The journals of Devon (aka Popcorn) as we prepare for his impending arrival into the world!

Baby Devon

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Popcorn Shopping List!

Spent sometime researching the net and found instructions to add a Shoutbox and Hit Counter. I also modified some of the settings. If any of the mothers want me to "zhng" their blog, drop me a shout. I'll see what I can do!

Anywayz, something baby related. Here is our shopping list of items bought for Popcorn so far
1a. Stroller - Quinny Buzz
1b. Car Seat - MaxiCosi Seat + Adapter for Quinny Buzz
2. Cot - St Ives Cot Bed + Mattress + Bedding (Note : If you buy cots from Mothercare, be prepared to purchase their beddings (as their cots require special bedding sizes) which can be quite expensive.
3. Clothes - Popcorn Mama went overboard buying stuff from the 0-3 month range (I have banned her from buying 0-3 month range hehehe)
4. Confinement Lady (interesting story about this. I'll blog about it some other time)
5. Feeding - Avent Sterilizer, Bottles, Baby Monitor
6. Towels
7. Consumables - Toiletries, Diapers (enough for 1 month... I think)
8. LOTS of toys (Popcorn Papa went crazy at a Tuas warehouse sale where almost everything was 30% to 40% of the current market price. These toys were still on the shelves in Toys R Us, so they are quite current. The only thing is that they are quite dirty, and needs some cleaning up to do)
9. White Cabinet (from IKEA!), with a diaper changing station
10. Bathing Tub (I am psychoing Popcorn Mama to buy the stand for it. Hard to bath the baby squatting down leh)

To get
1. Cord Blood Banking
2. Breast Pump (Avent Isis Duo)

Popcorn Mama complains to me that we bought almost everything... Nothing left to buy :)

~ Delvin


k@Ye_ said...

On cord blood banking, i dunno whether this discount is still applicable. If u re refer by a fren, think both u and ur fren will get a discount on the Annual fees.

On buying consumables, dun buy too much... Babies grow very fast in their first 3 months. So dun buy too much of the disposable diapers and wipes also... My personal experience...

evonique said...

Thanks for the tips! We only bought one pack of newborn diapers & we'll see how it goes. At the most, send Delvin off to buy during my confinement. :)

Yes, we are getting a referral from a friend for cord blood banking & both of us will get a discount.