Yes, I have popped! On 3rd September 2008!
It was indeed an experience of our lifetime, although no drama stories of waterbag bursting or me screaming & writhing in pain in the backseat of our car while Delvin rushes me to the hospital as it was an induced birth. :)
We have been really busy with Baby Devon so I only have some time now to log in & update everyone.
Here's a brief summary of my birth story.
On 2nd September 2008 at around 4:00pm, I went for my 38-week check-up & my routine test showed that my blood pressure was very high at a reading of 149/96!
At 4:10pm, I proceeded to do the CTG scan, baby movements are active & no contractions were detected.
At 4:40pm, we went in to see my gynae, Dr. Tan & everything is good. We told Dr. Tan of our decision to induce (after considering for a week when she gave us this option) due to my high blood pressure & concern over the umbilical cord seen around Devon's neck during the 3D scan. Moreover, I was getting really heavy & uncomfortable.. we really did not like the waiting game.
Dr. Tan gave us the green light & asks us when we would like to induce & we told her we are ready anytime. She called to ask if there were any vacancies in the delivery suite & fortunately there was one available straightaway. Some blood samples were then taken from me. She adviced me to opt for epidural as it'll help to lower blood pressure & I agreed, although my initial plan was to go drug-free, if possible. But most importantly, it's the well-being of Devon & myself.
At 5:30pm, I was made to sit on a wheelchair & I was being wheeled to the delivery suite. I changed & waited for Dr. Tan to arrive.
I was then hooked onto the CTG machine, the reading on the right shows my contractions & the reading on the left shows baby's movements.

At 6:00pm, Dr. Tan arrived & did a check for me. I was already dilated 2.5 to 3cm. She ruptured my water bag & the amniotic fluid was gushing out like a dam being released. Hmm... the water is very nice & warm.. no wonder babies love it in our wombs.
Here's Papa Popcorn all geared up for my labour
At 7:15pm, I was administered epidural. I felt all warm & fuzzy, really nice feeling.
At 7:45pm, oxytoxin drip was given to start contractions, but I couldn't feel a thing due to the epidural.
From 7:45pm to 2:40am, all I did was to sleep, watch tv & suck on ice cubes. At 2:40am, I was checked again for dilation & I was only 5cm dilated, so slow!
Here's me waiting for the labour, looking not that presentable.
At 5:00am, I was checked again & I was 9cm dilated already! Yippee.. the nurse told me that I can get ready to push in around an hour's time.
At 6:00am, Dr. Tan arrived & checked me. Yes, I was fully dilated. The epidural was lowered so that I could feel the contractions. I was told to try to push but it was not successful as I couldn't feel a thing.. no sensation to push at all. Dr. Tan asked me to wait for the sensation so as not to waste my precious energy pushing.
At 6:40am, the contraction pains started coming in strong & I started to feel the sensation to push. I tried my very best to push with all my might but Popcorn refused to come out. I tried & tried, with Delvin holding my hand, mopping my perspiration off my face & giving me moral support, with the help of three nurses who came in to hold my legs & Dr. Tan was at the end of my bed. Another doctor, Dr. Goh was also called in to push my tummy to assist baby to be pushed out. Finally, after much effort & some burst blood vessels on my face & my right eyeball, Baby Devon arrived! He weighs 3.355kg, length 50cm & head circumference 34cm. Proud Papa Popcorn had the honour of cutting his umbilical cord.
The feeling was indescribable when the nurse placed him on my chest immediately after the birth & I shed a tear. Though he was all bloody & gooey, Devon looked beautiful to me.
Fresh out of the oven
Our precious bundle of joy
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